Start With A Story: A Mini Guide On Opening Your Book With A Tale
Kingston Temanu
Whose Hat Is This?
Are you still reading? Are you wondering what’s going on? Or what’s going to happen?
Well, there’s the power of a story, and the title of the guide tells why I wrote this. The power of stories have been long documented by many other people throughout history. But for this short guide, let’s focus on it’s power to open your book, to act as a door to your book, to usher in your reader, to be your first few words, your opening lines, your first paragraph, essay, or chapter.
That’s what I want to delve into with this guide.
If you've ever thought about using stories to start your book, blog posts,essays, and other writing pieces, this guide will introduce you to a number of ideas on how to do exactly that.
Start With A Story.
A Mini Guide On Opening Your Book With A Tale
If you've ever thought about writing your first book or a small book, or even an article and would like to open it with compelling storytelling buy this book (52 pages).
Also you will get a 14 page PDF workbook that walks you through the story writing process.
Only $5!
Yup--that's right, $5!
It's less than the cup of coffee or a sandwich, yet you get more value than that in the pages. What is greater than knowledge? Nothing, right?
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Okay, now invest in your writing career with this short guide.
Go ahead and download it.
Enjoy the read!
What you will learn? In this guide I will show you these things:
1. How to write your own opening lines through the power of empathy, understanding your reader.
2. How some of the best you know have opened their writing, and what you can learn from that.
3. Take lessons from how President Obama used a story to open a key speech and how that applies to your writing.
4. How the president of Virgin group, Richard Branson, used a story to open one of his book to great effect.
4. How CEO of Highrise, a software company used a story to convey a good point in a blog post.
5. Watch me breakdown how I took my story and recast it to open my previous book and start collecting email sign ups.
6. Also, let me show you how to pick up compelling stories close to you that you may not see.
7. And more! This guide is short, concise, easy to read, and all in 52 pages! Get the lessons in no time!
I also added writing tips and lessons from some of the best writers to ever do it: Robert Frost, Rudyard Kipling, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ethan Hawke, Darcy Obrien, Lillian Helman, and others.
Bonus, More Bonus!
You'll also get these:
1. A free 12-page PDF excerpt out of my other book on why writing is a cornerstone for any project.
4. An excerpt on the power of writing out of my other book (Get To Know Your Backyard Opportunity). Free!
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